Super light-weight dual muff mono headset with dynamic noise canceling microphone. Semi-rigid, fully adjustable gooseneck mic boom for precise positioning. High quality wide band earphones with moleskin covering for better fit, isolation and frequency response. Available with 4 or 5 pin xlr connectors.
The HR-2 is a dual-sided, medium-weight passive noise reduction headset with dynamic noise canceling microphone. the headset has a noise reduction rating of 21 dB; suitable for use in a moderately noisy environment. The ergonomic headband design distributes the ear cushion pressure evenly over the entire ear with no pressure points, ensuring hours of comfortable wear. An added advantage of this headset design is that it folds into compact form for ease of storage. Availabile with 4 or 5 pin XLR connectors, male or female.
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